Investing for the (near) future
Where we hope to be investing in the year ahead
One of the key roles of the governor’s sub-committee focusing on school resources, is to keep a close eye on finances.
It is well documented that schools up and down the country are facing incredible financial pressures – and we are not immune to these pressures. However, careful management of the school’s finances means that we are able to continue investing and we are looking at a number of areas where we can improve the curriculum, as well as the school environment and equipment.
We hope to introduce a rolling investment plan for the school’s IT equipment so that PCs and tablets are updated gradually and regularly. We want to avoid having to teach and work with sub-standard, obsolete or broken equipment and cannot afford to wait until the point at which we are forced to spend large amounts of unbudgeted funds on replacements.
The same applies to classroom furniture, spending little and often to replace old tables, chairs, storage, and carpets.
We need to equip our new year 6 classrooms with furniture and smart screens and we are looking at introducing a biannual trip to France for children in years 5 and 6. We would also like to invest in enhancing our teaching in specialist areas such as music.
Large-scale play equipment for the playground, a running track and long jump pit and a soft surface activity area are all being considered for improving our provision of outdoor activities.
Finally, we are constantly applying for available grants for improvements that require large capital investment. Rest assured that we will be letting you know whenever we are successful in the bidding process.