Good News from Reviews
We've recently had a number of independent reviews of the school - and feedback has been good.
A key responsibility of the Governing body is to scrutinise the information provided about the performance of the school. Even with the amount of data and reports available, it is valuable to receive the opinion of independent, external education professionals who provide their assessment on the progress that we’re making.
In recent weeks, we have benefitted from a detailed review from our School Improvement Advisor and a ‘peer review’ from visiting headteachers. Both have provided us with good news about the state of the school and some useful pointers about where we can benefit from focusing more time and attention.
Here are some of the quotes that we received:
“There are many examples of good teaching, some of which is outstanding”.
“Pupil behaviour for learning is always exemplary; they behave in a mature, responsible way and show utmost care for their peers”.
“We provide a good curriculum and learning environment”.
“Almost all pupils have a high level of literacy and really enjoy reading and significantly wide range of literacy”.
“All staff use assessment systems to track individual progress; the outcomes are used to support all pupils’ learning”.
“Most assessment and feedback to pupils is effective and supports their learning”.
“Teachers’ organisation, planning, subject knowledge and preparation has significantly improved for almost all teachers”.
“There was a good pace in all classrooms and they were consequently interesting places to be”.
“The school leaders have been constructive in their support and this has had a strong impact on the quality of teaching across the school”.
Naturally, we are delighted with the positive comments that we have received. There are areas where we can make marginal improvements and these will feed into our strategic priorities that we will develop with the school’s senior leadership team.