Our school library!
By Ivana
In our school we have a great library, which has recently opened the doors at lunchtime to the wonderful Ks2 pupils in school. We have a new librarian who is there to help the children during this time.
Everything is sorted in alphabetical order to make it easier for us to find the books we would like to read. We have a great section of books: ancient history, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Geography, animals, insects, fish, trees, plants, flowers, the living world, inventors, anatomy, the body, science. Medicine, food, cooking, music, art and craft, sport. Poetry, plays, general knowledge, cars, ships, trains, people who help us. Schools, shops, maths, dictionaries, dinosaurs, bible stories, prayers, explores, atlases, theorises, kinder books, different religious and series of different types of family.
The PTA has given a donation for the library so we’ve got some new books for children to read, we also have some fun magazines and a collection of CD books. As this is the first time the school has a Year 6 we have ordered some great novels appropriate for their age. We had a lot of useful books for guided reading. A lot of people and a school also donated books.
Some pupils have been interviewed about the library from years 6, 5 and 4:
From Year 6:
Daniel: Likes reading David Walliam’s books. He likes comedy. He would like the library to have more David Walliam’s books, but he wouldn’t change anything in the library.
Scarlett: She likes the library because it’s peaceful and that are a lot books to read. She likes comedy, prefers Tom Gates and Diary of the wimpy kid and she wouldn’t change anything the library.
Alex: likes comedy and adventure books. He would like the library to have more action books. He isn’t really sure what to change in the library as it’s really good for him.
From Year 5:
Annabelle: She likes comedy books and also that the library has amazing books. She would like to put some decorations in the library.
From Year 4:
Toby: He likes comedy books. He also likes how the library has the most exciting books and he enjoys them. He would improve the library by being able to take more books at a time.
We will soon put some magical decorations in the library and have lots more books for the new Year 6’s.