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Hello and welcome to the Year 3 blog for July.

As the end of the year rapidly approaches us Year 3 have been as busy as ever. In English we have been reading ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Philip Pullman and learning all about the adventures of Lila and her quest to become a firework maker despite her dad, Lalchand’s, disapproval. In maths we have spent time exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes with a particular focus on parallel and perpendicular lines as well as identifying acute, right and obtuse angles.

In Science we have been looking at plants – focusing on dissecting flowers to identify the individual parts and creating different growing environments for a variety of bean plants. Our history has focused on the Ancient Egyptians. Mummifying oranges and writing in hieroglyphics have been particular favourites of what has been going on. In DT we have been making pneumatic toys and can’t wait to share our final products with you.

As always we have been very busy and can’t wait to celebrate all of our learning with you for the rest of the year.

Have a look HERE at some photo's of our learning