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Year 3 have had a brilliant start to the year!

We have spent the first two weeks back at school looking at what makes a good learner and what makes a good teacher. It has been wonderful being back to working in tables and this has had a hugely positive impact in the first two weeks.

As part of our focus on good learners, we looked at healthy lifestyles. We made healthy pizzas with a variety of toppings such as sweetcorn, mushrooms, onions, olives and peppers. To do this, we had to put sauce on our wrap base, cheese and then the toppings that we had enjoyed during the taste test. We also looked at what a food group is and the meaning of a balanced diet.

We discussed what we were afraid of happening at school. We wrote these onto a giant sheet of paper and created a ‘fear wall’ which we then tore down to represent facing our fears.

In the classroom, we have created a pop art letter each to go on display in the classroom. These have been used to give titles to the maths and English boards and on the internal doors to show our class names. We are also creating a tree of kindness. On this, the children can write a kind act that someone else has done for them, on to their leaf which is then attached to the tree.

We are looking at the year ahead with real positivity!

Have a look HERE at some photo's of our activities.