Year 3 have had a very exciting term in history looking at Prehistoric Britain. It has been interesting to see how different life was in the Prehistoric period.
Last week, we had our block of music teaching from Mrs Frost. We had a number of lessons over the week where we learnt all about Rap Music.
We were introduced to new terminology this year which is specifically involved in Rap Music such as: dynamics (the volume), tempo (the speed) and pitch (high...
Year 3 have made a terrific start to the year and have been working extremely hard on their place value of 3 digit numbers and their understanding number in more depth.
This term, in year 3, we have been looking at the work of Frances Hatch. Frances’ work focusses on sketching and watercolour painting and specifically looks at the world outdoors. As part of her work, she has produced many sketches and watercolour paintings of penguins in polar landscapes.
As part of our ‘Into the Woods’ topic this half term, Year 3 have been designing and creating their own woodlands. We have done this by creating clay leaves and making collages.
Last week, year 3 went on a trip to Willington for a canoe trail!
We packed spare clothes, sun cream and sun hats so we knew we were in for a fun packed, sunny day!
Throughout the term, we have been working hard to design and make Modroc snakes, Rangoli prints, jungle collages and planning for our fruit salad - as well as a lot of other topic related work in our topic books!
Last week Year 3 attended the faith tour and looked around three different places of worship- a mosque, the Gurdwara and a church. Each and every one of these places was fascinating to learn about.
Our new topic this term is Passage to India. We are going to be writing non-chronological reports for our reading corner to inform the school of what a wonderful world we live in!
Monday it was ‘Anti Bullying Week’ odd socks day, so nearly the whole school wore odd socks to show our support and each class went in a circle and took a photo of all the odd socks we were wearing.
What a fantastic week we have had: describing our very own alien using an expanded noun phrase, designing our own cushion and signing up for our new experiences!