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This half term we have been very busy learning lots of different things!

We have been learning about fractions in maths, focusing on halves, quarters and thirds. We have worked really hard at understanding fractions of shapes, lengths and amounts and we have been learning how to solve these using counters, arrays and mental methods!

In English we have been writing non-chronological reports on planes which we had to research lots of facts for. We have also been writing about the story of ‘The Way Back Home.’ We wrote letters to the Martian pretending to be the boy and asking when we would see them again. In our writing we have been making sure we are using the correct punctuation (capital letters and full stops), adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

Victoria Houghton come in and teach us how to make clay birds. This was really exciting and enjoyable and we have learnt lots of new brilliant clay skills. We will be painting the birds and then we will be bringing them home.

History, this term, we have been learning about Amelia Earhart and we have been fascinated about her story and the journey she took!  Did you know Amelia Earhart was an American aviator who mysteriously disappeared in 1937 while trying to circumnavigate the globe from the equator. She was the 16th woman to be issued a pilot's license and the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928 as well as the first person to fly over both the Atlantic and Pacific.

Its been about insects, fruit and the days of the week in French.  We learnt a really cool song to help us with the days and we also have been playing lots of fun games and listened to stories in French.

Have a look HERE for some photos of us in class

We can’t wait to see what next month brings!