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As part of our outdoor learning this term, the children had the chance to explore a different type of art

We looked at ephemeral and transient art, which is art that is temporary and changes over time. We discussed how this type of art is often made from things found in nature and doesn’t last forever. The children were excited to create their own masterpieces using natural materials around them.

We looked at examples of ephemeral and transient art, and had some amazing discussions about what we thought the message behind each artwork might be. It was great to hear the different ideas the children shared, showing how everyone sees things in their own unique way.

Afterwards, the children went around the school grounds to collect materials they could use. They found beautiful berries, pine cones, leaves, twigs, and much more. Once they were finished creating their art in class, the children went back outside to return the materials to where they had found them, making sure everything stayed in its natural home.