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In May and June both year 4 classes went separately for a walk around our local area. This walk was to support our learning in Geography.

First, we had a walk onto the green adjacent to Pennine Road. Here we observed the different types of houses found on Pennine Road and discussed what a detached, terrace and semi-detached house was and also found some bungalows.

We then continued our walk down Pennine Road and then turned right onto Chiltern Avenue. While we were walking along we continued to observe the different types of houses that we saw.  The children each followed a map of where we were walking on a clipboard, this allowed the children to do some map reading as we walked along. We were able to pinpoint exactly where we were on the map throughout our walk by using the physical features around us. For example, as we were walking down Chiltern Avenue we observed when we were exactly between the junction for Cheviot Close and Brendon Avenue.

We stopped our walk opposite the Chiltern Avenue shops. Here we discussed the different shops and services that were available and why people may visit these. The children then spend 15 minutes carrying out a survey to see how many people visited each shop within this period. This allowed them to see which of the shops were popular and how people travelled to the shops.

Finally we walked back toward the Hills via Pentland Rise and Stancliffe Road and continued to locate where we were on the map and observe the different types of houses on the streets around us.





Back at school, we used the information we had collected from the Chiltern shops to answer the question: ‘if a new shop was to open at Chiltern Avenue, what it would ideally sell?’ The children came up with some great ideas and used their knowledge of the local area and the data they collected to help justify their ideas.

Nora thought a games shop that sold snakes and ladder, chess and snap would be good to stop children getting bored after school, as there are a lot of children that live in the area. Malachi wanted an instrument shop that would allow you to build your own instruments, as he believes there are lots of musicians in the area. George thought a gaming shop would be good and that it should target games that people from 7 – 55 years old should be able to play. Finally James also thought a gaming shop would be good as this would allow people to get there gaming equipment quicker than using online companies.