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In December, Year 6 went on a trip to the STEM centre.

The journey took 1h30 minutes roughly and as soon as we entered, a lady led us to the Mars Rover expedition, telling us a little bit about each rover and how – in a couple of years – a few of them will be going to Mars.

‘Bugs light year’ project:

Next, we went to the workshop and made battery-powered lights, decorated as bugs. A man showed us the steps to make them and by following the steps we finished the glowing bugs.

After that, we had lunch with friends and then were taken to the blood analysis workshop.

Blood analysis workshop:

The staff showed us different techniques to show how someone died by measuring blood splats. After this, we did our own tests, using fake blood – red dye and water. We found out that the higher we put the blood squirter and dropped the blood, the wider the radius of the blood splatter was.

Exhibition area and light show:

We went to the exhibition area where there were lots of interactive items. A favourite was the sandpit where you could build your own terrain where it would project onto the sand and the terrain you made.

The light show was the last event, where the staff showed us lots of cool tricks with lights and lamps etc.

We all really enjoyed the trip and wish we could go again soon! Click HERE to see some photos of the day!