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Last month Year 5 went camping on an Island called Bryher on the Isles of Scilly.  For a lot of the children it was a first time on a boat, sleeping in a tent and being away from their parents!

Here are some of their reviews of the time away -


This term I enjoyed our visit to Goldington Academy where we learnt about the fun and the art of cooking. We made our own pizza from scratch, adding tomato sauce (it was messy!), cheese and lots of different toppings of our choice. We put them in the oven for 15 minutes. To make sure it was 15 minutes not 50 minutes , we had a timer and as soon as it went 'ping!' we had help to take it out of the oven. I enjoyed my pizza at home and shared it with my family. It tasted so good!

I also really enjoy our trip to Bryher. The journey was so long but it's all worth it. On the coach all I could hear was snoring. When we arrived in Bryher I was so excited to see the clear blue water I feel like I wanted to jump in! Bryher is the home to lots of different wildlife like seals, seagulls (the naughty ones), puffins, jellyfish, and more. It was my first time being away from home for that long but I had the best time ever! Thank you to all the teachers who help me while I was there and missing my family!


On the 16th of June 2024, both year groups of year 5, went on an educational trip to the Isles of Scilly. Bryher is part of a beautiful cluster of islands off the coast of Cornwall, making Bryher and the Isles of Scilly belonging to England. We went there to experience the life there and what it’s like being on an island away from our families.

We saw, tasted and done many things such as: going to the beaches (and swimming in the sea), going to the pub to have dinner, walked to Cromwell’s castle, went clapping for the seals, going to the honesty shops, going to Tresco to go on a wildlife tour in the Firethorn (which is the small boat that took us to the island), explored different places.

We walked to St. Mary’s, looked for jellyfish and seashells, enjoyed Rushy Bay, looked around King Charles’ fortress, rock climbing, crabbing, saw some seals, dolphins, seagulls, puffins, crabs and oysters.

Bryher was a great time (even when we were climbing the hills and got stung by the nettles) but I think everyone liked and am sure year 6 will like it too.



When we were on Bryher last week, I had an incredible time. One of the best things about Bryher and the Isles of Scilly is the beaches. Unlike those in much of the rest of the UK, there is white sand, clear water, rare shells and lots and lots of sea glass. There are also many jellyfish and other sea creatures you wouldn’t usually see.  Overall my time on Bryher was filled with so many  amazing experiences and memories. I hope to go back next year. 



Looking back on our stay in Bryher (the second residential available), I can say with confidence that it was my favourite school trip. From swimming in the Atlantic to buying (and eating!) the delicious Veronica Farm fudge, it’s all been amazing. The journeys there and back were over twelve hours long, though definitely worth it! Here’s a day by day overview. 

Monday: once we finally arrived at the campsite after a long journey of getting on coaches and boats, we settled down whilst the teachers set up the enormous kitchen tent. Then we got assigned to our own tents. I was really happy with who I was with! The people in every tent also had to set them up, and it was tiring work. Some children (including me!) bought strawberries from the honesty box (a small shop box) directly outside the campsite; they were the best I’d ever had! For the first night, the teachers cooked hot dogs, and they were also a big hit. Lastly, we went to the beach – we would do this every night. 

Tuesday: this was a beach day. Everyone was excited, we had gotten ready and made our lunches as soon as we could. After around 45 minutes of walking to the beach, we stopped to eat it by a playground that the children on the island had made themselves! When we finally arrived, we couldn’t believe our eyes. The sand was white, the water was crystal-clear, and every part of it was immaculate.  The second dinner was jacket potato at a small restaurant called The Fraggle Rock. 

Wednesday: on the third day, we visited Tresco, the island right next to Bryher. In fact, it was so close that you could see it clearly from the campsite! Right when we got off the boat, everyone bought ice cream (even more tasty food) - mint choc chip was the most popular flavour, but I had salted caramel – my favourite. Here on Tresco, we visited two ancient castles: King Charles I’s castle and Oliver Cromwell’s castle. There wasn’t much left of Charles’ one, but Cromwell’s was still enormous! We looked at another honesty box selling souvenirs as well. The adults cooked some pasta for dinner.

Thursday: we went on a shopping spree on Thursday morning. Everyone bought the aforementioned fudge, in addition to various chilli items (e.g. Bryher Fire, Chilli jam etc.). In the afternoon, we went out to sea on a wildlife boat tour, seeing five different types of sea animals – jellyfish, puffins, cormorants, seals, and last but certainly not least, dolphins. The waves were very choppy, but we still had a whale of a time! For our last dinner, we came back to The Fraggle Rock for some beef patty, as good a meal as all the others. We began to pack our bags after this. The next day, we were gone. 

And that’s the story of our time in Bryher. But before you go, I have one other thing to tell you. Recently, we went on a trip to Goldington Academy, and it was pizza themed. We drew, vacuum – formed, and finally made pizzas. Year 5 trips really knock it out of the park! 


Have a look at the albums of photos from our trip 1 2 3 4 5 6