We have really enjoyed our start to Year 5! Our first two weeks back to school were all focussed around being ready to learn, so that we can have an enjoyable, focussed year and achieve our goals.
Week 3 of the Autumn term has been great; we’ve read up to Chapter 6 in Cogheart and we have already written a diary entry about the protagonist of the story, including thoughts and feelings and all of the new vocabulary that we have learnt.
In maths, we have been focussing on place value – this underpins all of our maths targets as we need to be able to understand place value of numbers so that we can add, divide, multiply and subtract easier. It even helps us with fractions! We’ve also enjoyed learning Roman numerals up to 1000 this week and 5J had a particularly competitive bingo game involving these!
Design technology lessons have had us looking at different phone cases and designing our own ones ready to make out of felt. We’re excited to get sewing again after having fun with our beanbags in Year 4! Every year in art, our first lessons always involves us using a mirror and drawing our self- portraits. This is to see how we have progressed over our time in primary school. In year 5, we’ve focussed on the key work ‘proportion’, this is ensuring that everything is the correct size in relation to each other. In geography, we have been using our atlas skills to find different towns and cities all over the world. We were given the place names and then needed to look in the index to find what country and use the grid references to help us identify what country it is located in and nearby physical features. These are just a few things we have been looking at!
We look forward to what is coming up in the rest of the term. Including looking at different artists and the Tudors!