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Year 5 have enjoyed returning to school after their Easter break and have thrown themselves into our new topics.

In maths the children have quickly grasped our angles unit of work and can recognise how many degrees are in an acute, obtuse, right, reflex, straight and full rotation angle.

English has seen us leave Harry Potter and move onto an ‘Eco’ scheme of work. This has allowed the children to brush up on their dictionary skills and begin to research different eco parks.

In history we have moved onto learning about the Queen and the children discussed the death of Prince Phillip and were able to look at the key dates during the Queens reign. The children are looking forward to 2022 when the Queen will celebrate her platinum jubilee.

We have continued to look at forces in science and the children were able to carry out an experiment using two books to demonstrate how friction works. This is shown in the photo and you can watch the link to see how to do this simple and effective experiment at home -​ We have also looked at levers, pulleys and gears and we loved watching the following music video which shows all of these things in action -

Although we are only two weeks into the summer time it feels like we have covered so many exciting new topics.

Mrs Hubbard, Mrs Simpson and Mrs Lusty.