In year 5 the children are really happy to be back in school and playing with their friends once again.
Some of the members of Mrs Tellett’s and Mrs Simpson class have been reflecting on the time learning remotely. A few of the pupil who have been learning from home have shared what they have and haven’t liked about learning from home:
Maisy: What I like about remote learning is the break out rooms but sometimes it was tricky.
Gianrico: During home schooling I have liked all the subjects (even English). I have really enjoyed doing about fractions and decimals and sports in French. And I like doing planets in science. Before home schooling, I didn't know much French, but now i know a lot like je joue meaning I'm playing. Also, I have loved breakout rooms. But I would love playing with my friends much more.
Isobelle: I have enjoyed learning french . Sometimes it was been tricky because we can disconnect and miss the task. It has been fun to see all of my friends because last time it was quite lonely. I couldn't wait to get back to school 🥰
Quentin: This term I have had a few struggles in English but I really enjoyed the breakout rooms so we are able to work together. I have thoroughly enjoyed my Maths throughout the whole term.
Mrs Tellett and Mrs Simpson were really impressed with the children’s learning during lockdown.