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Welcome back to Nursery. We hope you had a wonderful Christmas break.

The children have come back to Nursery refreshed and raring to go!

This week we have started learning about our new topic ‘On the Farm’ and

The children are very excited about the farm visiting us soon and have enjoyed learning and singing ‘Old Macdonald had a farm’ and making different farm animal sounds.  We have started learning our new Talk 4 Writing story which is ‘Dear Zoo’, ask your children if they can remember the story using the actions we have made!

We have been experimenting with playdough and N umicon and on  the frosty mornings we have been exploring ice!

Some of us have been practicing our kicking skills, we even had a mini game

of football in our Nursery garden!

The Nursery class had our stay and read session with our grown ups! Thank you for

coming to share a story with us.

Have a look HERE at some photos from the last month :)