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The topic this term in Nursery is Nursery rhymes. 

The children have made a start by focusing on Humpty Dumpty. At school some children even thought of their own version of the nursery rhymes with some having a very different ending! Such as, ‘the horses and kings men took Humpty Dumpty to the doctor. He gave him some medicine to make him better again!’ We are looking forward to exploring lots of different nursery rhymes and stories this term.

Rainbows have also been busy, exploring the musical instruments to make sounds louder, quieter, faster and slower. They have also played lots of ring games, singing a variety of songs which they have really enjoyed!

Well done to everyone in nursery whether you are learning at school or at home.

We can’t wait until Rainbows are all back together having fun in class! You can find a few pictures of our learning HERE.