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We haven't let the cold weather stop us having fun in the garden.

We have been making mud/sawdust pies, digging and creating but most importantly we have been looking after the wildlife that lives in our garden.

Did you know in our garden we have squirrels, hedgehogs, mice, robins, blue tits and even a fox!  So we always try and make sure we leave them lots of food and even spaces for them to hide from the cold. This includes 3 hedgehog houses (which we make sure are always filled with straw), bat boxes,  bird houses and we haven't emptied our compost bin as we have a family of field mice living there.

In the summer we continue to look after the little creatures... you may have seen the ducks that return every spring to our pond so we leave them oats to eat, we fill up our bee drinking station and make sure the bird baths are always full of water.  Its great to see the creatures around school we have even had a heron and a sparrow hawk visit!

Have a look HERE for some photos of this half term's activities