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Music - Summer 2024

It feels more like an Autumn term rather than the end of the summer term – we haven’t been melting in school as usual. Despite the weather, it has still been a great term in the Music Department. We managed one afternoon outside in the shade with KS1 having music lessons, doing lots of rhythm activities on a range of percussion instruments.

Year 5 have enjoyed their Steel Pan topic and invited Nursery and Reception along to hear them play. The Year 5 let them have a go and explained how to hold the mallets. It was a good morning for all.

Year 6 have enjoyed a half term of Beat Boxing workshops run by Sonny. He has inspired the children and all have gained confidence and been creative in their topic. They did a brilliant job entertaining and showing off their newfound skills in a school assembly.

We had our annual Music concert towards the end of term where a number of Year 6 were able to show off their solo skills on harp, trombone, saxophone, guitars, piano, violins, and trumpet! We are so lucky to have such a range of skills in the school. Some Year 5 pupils also took the opportunity to perform a solo and we had a couple of groups perform, as well as Year 5 Steel Pans. The Hills Academy Choir finished off the concert with 2 beautifully sung songs which they will be performing at the River Festival this summer. Well done to all performers.


Another term of exam success on Piano and Woodwind. All candidates achieved Merits and Distinctions! Well done to all.

We were fortunate to be one of 10 schools in the region to host The National Youth Brass Band last week. These are secondary school aged children who toured the local counties to promote music in schools. Fortunately, the weather held so we could get outside to see the performance. It was amazing.

There has been a huge interest in taking up musical instruments in school. There are now waiting lists for some instruments but we try to accommodate as many as possible. Most teachers are now up to full capacity. It is great to see so much interest in music.

Wishing everyone a happy and hopefully sunny summer holiday

Mrs. Frost