Children's Letter - 2nd June 2020
Efbs dijmesfo,
Hppe bgufsoppo J ipqf zpv bsf pl boe epjoh tpnf pg zpvs xpsl upp!!!
Xfmm epof gps dsbdljog uif dpef – dbo zpv xsjuf b nfttbhf gps uif ofau mfuufs boe tfoe ju up nf?
Can you crack my code?
I have used a Caesar wheel to write this code – can you work out what I have written?
If you would like to make a Caesar wheel of your own you can use it to make lots of different codes. There are great instructions at
Responsibility is our Value for this half of term
I wonder what responsibilities you have at home? Think about it – are you responsible for feeding your pets or stacking the dishwasher or doing a special job. Talk to a grown up at home, ask them to give you something at home that you are responsible for. Responsibility is an important quality to learn and it will help you to be better prepared for Secondary School, for being a good adult and for succeeding in whatever job you choose to do. These photos might help you talk about it at home:
Are you feeling worried about something – you can contact Childline either on their website or on the number below
Or you can email me or Miss Starr