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Year 4 had a wonderful 3 day stay in sunny Norfolk at the Hilltop Outdoor Learning Centre. They participated in a range of activities: Tree Top Trail, Archery, Crate Stacking, Rock Pooling, Air Jump and an Assault Course.

We set off early Monday morning on a coach where we travelled 2 and a half hours to get to Norfolk. Once we arrived, we were allocated our rooms and groups for the stay; we headed to our rooms, unpacked and had some time to chill out. After, we had our lunch that our adults sent before setting off on our first activities. All of the activities were great and we really challenged ourselves by following Hilltops moto ‘challenge by choice’.

After our first activity, we went into the gaming room and played on the piano and challenged Miss Garvey to a game of pool. Some of us were feeling a little tired so decided to go into the quiet room and read a book. We were then called for dinner which was a fish fillet, chips and peas followed by a chocolate cake and custard – it was yummy.

Once we had our dinner, we headed outside to play our first evening activity – Mad hatters. It was like a big game of catch with some slightly different rules. If you were the taggers, you had to wear a mad hatter’s hat. It was very funny and we had a great time! It knackered us out just in time for bed.

The next day, we woke nice and early, ready to take on the new day of challenges. We went straight to breakfast – we were spoilt for choice; cereal; toast; fruit; and a cooked English Breakfast. We were very full. We then got ourselves ready for the first activity of the day. We had a great morning completing the activities with our brilliant instructors.

For lunch, we had a sausage roll, beans and salad and a cookie for dessert. After eating our lunch, we headed off to West Runton beach for rock pooling. This was great fun and we spent two hours exploring the rock pools and finding a range of different sea creatures. It was very interesting and we had a blast. We then headed back to the coach to take us back to Hilltops.

We had time to get a quick shower before heading into the dinning hall for our final supper. We had a roast chicken with all the trimmings – we loved it. After dinner, we headed outside for the last evening activity: Enchanted Forest. This was such fun! The instructor put us into four groups and would challenge us to find the image he had shown us which was attached to one of the many trees. The first group back would win a point. Again, this activity and the fantastic day had by all tired us out, so we slept brilliantly.

Before we knew it, the teachers came and woke us up in the morning and helped us pack our bags and sleeping bags. We tided our rooms ready for the inspection from the Hilltop Instructors. We all did a great job at keeping our rooms tidy whilst we were away. We then headed upstairs to the dining hall for a scrumptious continental breakfast.

After breakfast, we headed out to our final activity! We all really challenged ourselves on the final activity and showed great team work qualities. We then headed in for our final lunch, Pizza and brownies. The instructors then came to say good bye before we headed back onto the buss for the 2-and-a-half-hour journey home to be reunited with our grown-ups. Over all, we had an amazing few days away!

Please look on our Facebook page at the fantastic photos of our trip!

A fun few days in school…

Whilst the other Year 4 children were having a blast in Hilltops, we were having just as much fun in school with Miss Starr and Mrs Williams. On Monday morning, we had indoor PE where we were able to make up our own games – this was great fun. After PE, we made our own clay masterpieces from cups to hedgehogs. We loved getting creative and being artist for the morning. On Monday afternoon, we made our own board games and were allowed to play with them once we had finished them.

On Tuesday morning, we did some more art which was inspired by the artist Jackson Pollock. We made it our own by adding planets and shapes to them with oil pastels; we were so happy with how they turned out. During the afternoon, we played the 1% club which was interesting!

Wednesday morning was great too! We painted our clay masterpieces from Monday’s clay activity as they were now dry. This was very relaxing and therapeutic. We then had free play and some time on the trim trail! During the afternoon, we had our computing time with Mrs Williams which was fab!

Overall, Year 4 have an enjoyable few days!