A musical year at the hills!
It has been an exciting and busy summer term in the music department. Year 6 had the amazing experience of Beat boxing workshops, spread over 3 weeks, resulting in a performance to the whole school. The benefits to the participants have been widespread, not just the musical value, but creative writing, performance and self-esteem building. All children benefited and enjoyed the experience immensely.
Year 5’s and 6’s have also had the wonderful experience of playing steel pans this term. I think all children have thoroughly enjoyed it (including me!) They make a great sound and are quite accessible for the children. They learnt various techniques like drop strokes and rolls to get different sounds. It is an experience we will be repeating again next summer term.
For the first time since lockdown we held an instrumental showcase this term, with 21 pupils from years 4&5 showing off their incredible music talents. We have such a range of talent in school and were treated to solos on a wide range of woodwind, brass and stringed instruments- including the Harp. Laura blew the audience away with her beautiful harp performance! All children did the school proud and played to a very high standard. Well done to all.
Please do contact me if your child would like to take the opportunity of learning a musical instrument. We are very fortunate to have a strong and dedicated team of visiting peripetic teachers in school.
Year 6 pupils also gave impressive instrumental performances during their Leaver’s Assembly. Some of these pupils took up lessons just before lockdown, and had the difficult task of continuing lessons and maintaining motivation when lessons took place online. It was good to see them perform so well despite their challenging start.
Congratulations to our pupils who took a graded exam this term-
Sam – Clarinet Grade 1 – distinction
Rene – Saxophone Grade 1 – merit
Imogen – Violin Grade 1 – distinction
Amber – Violin Grade 2 – merit
Olivia – Violin Grade 2 – distinction
Alicia - Violin Grade 2 - distinction
A big thank you and best wishes to Mrs Simpson who is sadly leaving us this term. She has co-run choir with me for many years and will be greatly missed.
Choir will start up again in September run by myself and Mrs Hubbard, and planning has already started for our Young Voices trip in January 2024. Choir will run still on aTuesday after school and is open to anyone in years 3-6. Joining choir does not count as a club, so your child can also sign up for another after school club.
Wishing you a good summer break and looking forward to more exciting music activities next academic year.
Mrs Frost