This term, we have been studying Charlie and The Chocolate Factory in English as part of our novel study as you learnt a little bit about in our last blog.
We are now nearing the end of the book and the children are starting to disappear quickly because of their behaviour towards Mr Willy Wonka and the rooms they are visiting in the factory. Next week, we are going to be writing a newspaper article on the disappearances on the children and then we are going to finish off writing a book review.
We decided to spend some of our off screen learning time and our Friday afternoons recreating our own versions of Mr Wonka's factory. We have been working in small teams in our class and have been using a variety of materials. We have used art straws, tissue and crepe paper, pom poms, pipe cleaners, water colours, fabric and paint. We have loved designing and building our new factories with our friends and have been super creative with our masterpieces!
'I included a trap door in my factory that can fold down into a bridge so you can go into the inventing room' - Anya
'I loved making the factory especially when we had to make the chimneys and smoke' - Filip
'Making the factories were so much fun. Me and Jermye made our factory - Oliver
Also, during our off screen learning time, we have been able to pose for our Drop Everything And Read competition in school and we have been reading in different places around the classroom and school. We thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon relaxing and reading some of our favourite stories from our classroom.
Finally, we are so excited to see all of our friends next week when they return to school. We have missed you all so much!
Have a look HERE for some photo's of our learning.