Year 2 Outdoor learning morning
Each term Year 2 complete an outdoor learning morning so the environment is incorporated into the children's learning.
This term children completed a maths, science, PSHE, art and literacy activity.
During the art activity children used different materials to create an African Kwanzaa necklace. For the Literacy activity, children were required to find African animals hidden in the thought garden and they used verbs and adverbs to describe what that animal was doing and how it was doing it i.e. stomping loudly.
The maths activity provided children with an opportunity carry out some practical measuring using rulers. Children measured the length of different items in the dragonflies garden and then recorded length in centimetres. The PSHE activity developed social and teamwork skills as children were required to pass a hoop through their bodies without letting go of each other's hands and the science activity required children to identify and name different plants and animals in the environment.
All of these learning objectives form part of the Year 2 curriculum. It was a fantastic morning that the children really enjoyed and we would like to say a big thankyou to the volunteers who supported with the running of the morning.
Please see the 'Year 2 autumn term outdoor learning morning' gallery HERE for pictures of the outdoor learning morning.